Monthly Archives: January 2012

It’s All Energy

Recognizing the energy in our Lives

Have you ever noticed how certain people can affect you?  It’s that moment when you realize how someone else’s energetic field is affecting your own, whether it’s a good or bad feeling, you’re still aware of its presence.

We are all energetic beings and like all forms of energy not all of them blend together.  When you’ve noticed that someone has “rubbed you the wrong way” or the opposite that “things just clicked” both of these are energetic effects.  We are all unique individuals and of course we are not all going to blend together as one, we need the different energies to provide balance.  Learning how to work with maintaining your own sense of balance is the key.

Similarly the LOA (Law of Attraction) is also a form of energy, it’s a state of being that is sustained by a certain energy.  When you are operating within that energy you will likely equate it to “the day just keeps getting better”.  It’s because that particular vibrational energy is in perfect alignment with your inner spirit, like finding your way home.  It’s that state of being that is the equivalent of the perfect vibrational energy.  I call it the perfect vibrational energy because, well let’s face it, if you’re at a point where you’re thinking that the day keeps getting better then you are having a pretty fantastic day and of course what wouldn’t be better than having a day, week or month full of fantastic days?

Unfortunately there are times when we aren’t feeling as uplifted as we’d like to and those fantastic days can seem so far away, sometimes so far away that it can feel like you won’t see one again.  It’s during these times that we are operating way outside of the “perfect vibrational energy” and if you’re like me it feels almost like having the flu.

When you’re down like this it leaves you wide open for negativity to find its way in.  Technically your spiritual immune system is down and once the negativity gets in it can find other avenues within to keep you occupied.  Negative thoughts that are not distinguished can grow and escalate to cause you much sorrow and pain and make you believe that the positive of hope and faith is not there or worse, lost!  It’s these times when you may need to remind yourself to believe.

It will require a lot more of your energy to fight your way through to find the light but when you get there it’s totally worth it.  There’s nothing as gratifying as the positive side of life, the “perfect vibrational energy”, it feeds your inner spirit with hope, love and faith.

As terrible as the negative energy is, we need it to be able to identify, appreciate and embrace the positive.  If they weren’t such polar opposites how else would we be able to recognize the difference?

Look for the good vibrations and pass on the positive!

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Posted by on January 31, 2012 in Blog


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Embracing a Positive Lifestyle

Letting Go

To begin living a positive lifestyle we first need to let go of an old way of thinking or behavior that no longer serves us.  It’s this old way that will block us from fully being able to welcome and accept a new and better way of life that will ultimately bring much happiness.In order to allow the happiness we need to first let go of any negativity that is holding us back.  If you really think about it what has harbouring negative thinking brought you?

–        If you are upset with another person, has the negativity exacted the revenge you were hoping for?

–        Has it had any impact on them whatsoever?

At the very most this other person may be aware you are upset but that is likely all it’s done for the situation.  If the other person is unaffected (and most likely they are) then what good has it done for you to carry on with this line of thinking?  The only person you are exacting any negative impact on is yourself.  You are most likely feeling the ill effects within you by way of sickness (emotional or physical), either one is pointless.

Are you really the one you want to affect with this negativity?  Chances are you might not be aware that you are actually harming only you.  So why hold onto it?

Even though revenge itself is another pointless and demeaning behavior, at the very least if you want to think of it this way, wouldn’t the best revenge be for you to be happy?

If another person has affected your life negatively then by continuing to hold on to the negative feelings you are allowing that person to be in control of your own personal happiness.  Why give anyone but yourself the power over your happiness?

The best possible solution is to let it go and by whatever means necessary.  There are many different ways to do this but the first step is really and truly wanting to let it go and to be willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen.  Your determination in this process will be one of your biggest assets.  The other will be your will power to maintain that determination.

Letting go can be an almost impossible task when you’re not fully ready.  You need to be brutally honest with yourself if you are going to succeed.

I believe that we all have the power within ourselves to overcome and accomplish anything we fully commit to.


Posted by on January 24, 2012 in Blog


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The Voice of Reason

A Diamond in the Rough

As of late the current events have been focused on our children and I wish that they were all positive but mostly they have been sad and senseless.

There are so many terrible, difficult and challenging trends that affect our children, sometimes in a very tragic way.  The difficulties that are being experienced are also at times being sensationalized and as much we are all trying to acknowledge and remedy this globally the battle still continues.

It’s through our genuine presence in our children’s lives that we create a positive influence.  An influence that they will carry with them throughout their daily lives.

Believe me, I know how busy life can be.  The demands on our time can be overwhelming and sometimes we feel pulled in many directions, multi-tasking has become a normal part of our day.

Our focus on our children is the one thing that we can’t afford to compromise.  I can only speak as a Mom, I believe that our children are the most significant loves of our lives.

As much as we want to let them have some independence and allow them to experience life and grow, it’s so very important to build a solid, compassionate and genuine communicative foundation.

In creating this foundation we are providing our children with supportive values and morals that will become their own inner voice of reason.

It’s that inner voice of reason that helps to keep us all on the safest path as we navigate through different and challenging experiences.

As parents we should all be helping to provide the safest path for our children.  Sometimes they don’t want us to be so present but it is necessary and much later in life they will look back on it and be glad that we were there.

Be present.

Be supportive.

Love is Louder!

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Posted by on January 17, 2012 in Blog


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Better Days Ahead

Healing to Move Forward

Healing within to move forward can be quite a challenge at times, it requires letting go of the past hurts and that takes a great deal of inner strength and discipline.

Sometimes it can feel almost impossible to let go of the hurt, especially if those feelings run deep but it is so important.  If you keep any hurt in your life on a daily basis it can potentially take over your life.  The longer you feed this emotion the more it will grow and sometimes it grows to  insurmountable and overwhelming proportions.

I myself have had this experience and when I was hurting so profoundly I found that I could hold onto and recount every detail and connective emotion exactly as if it had just happened. 

Every time you recount an experience it’s as if you are re-living it and that is what helps the seed of resentment take root.

  1. The first part of the process is acknowledgement, taking ownership of the part you play in harboring this hurt.
  2. Next is deciding to no longer allow it to have any power over your life, physically or emotionally.
  3. After you have truly embraced the first two steps you will find that moving forward happens so naturally and easily.

It will leave you wondering why you had held onto it for so long when it feels so good to finally let it go.  The feelings of letting go of such hurts has been described as a feeling of spiritual healing and like a weight instantly being lifted off.

The healing phase then starts and as every day passes you will find that you get further and further away from the hurt.   I found that after a period of time, that some of those details that I clung to so tightly were gone and I couldn’t recount at all anymore.  Letting go allows you to say this will no longer control or harm my life.

When you acknowledge, decide and let go you are not saying it’s ok that someone has hurt you, you are saying I’m allowing myself to heal and feel whole again.


Posted by on January 11, 2012 in Blog


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Stay the Course!

New Years Resolutions – Part 2

In keeping with my last week’s blog I wanted to remind and inspire everyone to stay the course with their resolutions.  We are nearing the end of the first week of 2012, don’t let the wind out of your sails.

Keep striving to attain your desires for this exciting new year, I have a very good feeling that it is going to be a prosperous and happy 2012 for all and what better way to celebrate that than by sticking to your resolutions and goals you’ve set out for yourself.  Keep your eye on the Prize!

Stay charged up and keep reinforcing all the plans you have made for this new year.  Review your resolutions, if you feel so inspired, maybe add to them.  It’s all about the magic in the air at this time, it’s yours to utilize and to achieve your innermost desires and dreams.

The place where you get to shine, not only by doing something that serves a greater purpose but also because you are doing something that infinitely makes you shine from within.

Whatever it takes to keep you on the road of inspiration, use it now.  Find whatever motivation you need to attain your place in this world, the place that you feel the most content and balanced.

Seek inspiration in all those that inspire you, whether that is your family, your friends, or just people you admire, take a page out of their book and apply it to your life.

When you know better, you do better – Maya Angelou

Make this year be a year of change, difference and things you’ve never thought you could achieve come true.  Let go of all that no longer serves you whether that is an outdated way of thinking, outdated expectations, or an emotion that has carried you for too long.

It’s time to feel better, do better and live better!

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Posted by on January 3, 2012 in Blog


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