Monthly Archives: June 2013

Boundary Free!

Choose Your Own Life

No one should be limited in any area of their life, no person or entity has the right to put restrictions on anyone based on their own personal judgement or society’s influence.  Everyone is entitled to fair treatment and equal opportunity, things like gender, skin color, disabilities, sexual orientation or cultural background should not be a point of consideration at any time.  We are all human beings, we are either one or the other anatomically, we pump the same blood and breathe the same air and that should be what is recognized.



With our new world of internet, social media and connecting through various sites, sometimes we do not have any idea of what the person looks like on the other end but yet we find a way to connect as human beings, that’s something to think about isn’t it?  I realize that there are certain expectations associated within certain areas of life and social or professional situations but everyone should have the opportunity to fit in.

There are all sorts of inspirational people around us, the question is do you recognize them for what they have to offer you in the way of inspiration, hope or faith?  Those people are the catalysts for positive change and represent everything we need to develop belief in ourselves.

All cultures have so much to offer each of us by way of learning, it’s not likely that we are going to adopt every part of any culture but I like to learn and adopt at least one thing from them all because not only does it enrich my life but it expands my world around me which in turn connects me to yet another diverse aspect of humanity.Culture signs

We’re not all meant to be the same, it’s the diversity that helps maintain the balance of the universe and it’s that diversity that helps us all to learn, grow and develop.  I couldn’t imagine going through my entire life and not learning or developing any further than the mindset that was formed in my early years.  I think in a way discriminating against others keeps your mindset in a negative zone and that prevents you from progressing and learning because your focus can’t expand past the tunnel vision needed to maintain that mindset.

I have had the displeasure of hearing someone voice their opinion in a discriminatory manner and I don’t know of any way to counteract that behaviour gracefully besides just getting away from that person as fast as I can.  I’ve tried the route of offering some positive thoughts and theories but like all things negative, the grip of that negativity is so tight that is likely that your attempt at enlightenment just doesn’t get through.

Negative or Positive?  That is the battle, that is the balance and that is the diversity.  I do believe that people are gravitating more toward the positive, as the balance of that scale continues to shift I find that the world around me continues to surprise me in a positive way.

–         Choose Your Own Life

–         Follow Your Passion

–         Pursue Everything You Desire

–         Don’t Quit

–         Believe in Yourself

–         Have Faith

Every time someone has told me I can’t do something I intend to prove them wrong, partly because I’m stubborn but the other part is because I’m going to try.  I challenge as many barriers as I can because I won’t allow anyone to put limits on what I can achieve and it’s important to me that I maintain a strong belief in myself.

Dream, Walt Disney


Posted by on June 26, 2013 in Blog


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You Can’t Change the Past!

But You can Build a Better Future

I think it goes for all relationships that if you carry your past attitude, behaviour and habits into your future relationships you end up building the same house.  Eventually it falls apart because the house is built on a foundation that has many cracks that haven’t been sealed (or healed).

past builds same house

There is no point in dwelling on what you cannot change, all you can do is learn from it, grow because of it and change in spite of it.  Our lessons are contained in all of the people and events that occur during our lives and if you feel like you keep getting caught in the same rut it may be because either you aren’t learning the lesson or you’re misreading it.

Regardless of a “who’s right or who’s wrong” scenario, we all have a part and each of us are responsible for what we do or don’t contribute.  Once you begin to recognize your part, whether significant or not, it will help you to change something that may not be working for you and keeps ending you up in the same outcome.  I love quotes and this one, from the movie (How do you Know?), was one I liked because it resonated with me:

We are all just one small adjustment away from making our lives work.

I really believe this to be true, sometimes it takes the littlest adjustment to my attitude, behavior or habits to effect an even bigger change, a change that works so much better that I’ve wondered “why didn’t I do this long ago?”

It’s not just the past that influences our life, there is also the challenge of the “two wolves theory”, which one are you feeding, and why?

two wolves

The two wolves are there to teach us many lessons and to give us the option of free will.

–          Without temptation, how do you learn to do the right thing?

–          Without ego, how do you learn to listen to your gut?

–          Without betrayal, how do you learn forgiveness?

Even though these can be difficult lessons to learn, they become invaluable going forward and they teach you so much about your own strengths and weaknesses and that knowledge can help you to identify where you might want to tweak things a little or a lot.

So how do you change it?

Writing a different future lies within the moment that you decide to take the opportunity to change that which you do not like about yourself so that you can attract the types of people you desire to have in your life.

You can’t change the past but you can build a better future!


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Posted by on June 19, 2013 in Blog


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The Moment of Clarity!

The Ultimate “Aha”

The moment of clarity happens at a different point and time for everyone.  It’s the ultimate “aha” and chances are that the signs have been all around you but they didn’t come together until that poignant moment.

The moment of clarity is always a positive thing but depending on where you are in your life or what you were hoping to change because of that realization, it’s possible that things have progressed ahead too much to go back to where you were hoping or desiring, and maybe the reason for that is, you are not meant to.  The positive aspect is that you’ve reached that point and better to have had that moment later than never.  Growth periods occur not only because they are meant to carry us forward but because somewhere in our future these specific lessons are necessary.

aha moment

I’ve had more than one moment of clarity, thankfully not one of them have been at a point that causes me serious regret but I believe that even if there is serious regret involved there is nothing we cannot change through honesty, humility and perseverance.

Even if two people have the same turn of events occur in their life they won’t experience it the same, their reaction and response will be different because just like our physical make-up is unique, our emotional make-up is as well.  Everything that has occurred in our lives from the time we can remember (upbringing, environment, personality traits) influences how we react and respond to all of the moments (good and bad) that we experience and some of those moments can change us forever.

I believe it’s best to focus on where you go from here and how you go about doing that with the integrity of what you have recently learned.  In reflecting on different times in my life it’s amazing how much my life has grown and changed and in no way that I had ever planned or expected but all of it, so far, has turned out much better than I could have envisioned.

I know I’ve referenced this quote before but it’s definitely worth repeating:

A change of feeling is a change of destiny – Neville Goddard

When you experience a moment of clarity, within that lies the opportunity to change your future going forward.  The most monumental moments of clarity are sometimes associated with some form of “Rock Bottom” and from the bottom there is only one way to go – Up!  Rock Bottom is the essence of when you feel completely defeated whether that is physically, emotionally, mentally or all three.  When there is nothing left, there is hope and when there is hope it helps you to develop faith.  Faith can take you in any direction you choose.  The more you believe, the more things change, the more things change, the more you believe, the more this cycle will continue to evolve..

This is probably one of the best cycles to fall into and one of my favorites!  Cycles have the possibility to develop into a snowball effect and for me I’ll welcome this one every time.

Change your feeling and you WILL change your destiny!

two great days

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Posted by on June 12, 2013 in Blog


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When Opportunity Knocks

Are you going to Answer It?

Not everything always goes as planned and most of the time that is a good thing because even though I think I know best, I’m often shown that I don’t.  When the universe throws me a curve ball it usually propels me into a direction I wouldn’t have chosen but one that ultimately turns out to be the better path.


The gifts of the opportunities I’ve had have been wisdom, experience, faith, and many more, all of which I need on the road ahead.  My own personal mantra is to have no regrets, I don’t want to ever wonder “what if” so I make sure I take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way, even if I’m not sure of it because I believe that the Universe doesn’t make mistakes, everything is meant to teach us something!

There is benefit to every door that opens, just because you haven’t seen something yet doesn’t mean it’s not there.  Sometimes you just have to expand your awareness and have faith that “everything happens for a reason”, all will be shown when the time is in sync with your awareness.  In reflection I know that there have been times when I’ve had the same synchronized moment occur that I didn’t get the first time it was shown but did later when my awareness was more in sync.

If you live your life never taking advantage of the opportunities that come your way you are depriving yourself of the possibility of something really great happening, something you never could have predicted or envisioned.  Even if you feel slightly afraid of taking that step forward I think you will find that in doing so not only are you confronting your fears but you are empowering yourself.  Empowerment is exhilarating, scary at times, but exhilarating and the more you choose to take that risk, the more the opportunities will show up in your life.

three simple rules

Our existence is all energy and our energy is increased or decreased depending on which side of it you are feeding.  If you are working to expand your awareness and build your faith in the universe it will respond and if it’s not responding as quickly as you would like then that may be because you have not yet reached that synchronicity.  The Universe will give you signs, not all of them are as prominent as you may like but don’t give up, the signs are the indication that you are going in the right direction.  Your gut instinct is the confirmation that those signs are real, don’t ignore it.

Not everyone experiences the opportunities the same, it all depends on your comfort level with chance and your willingness to answer that door.

There have been many different paths I have taken so far and I’m sure many more to come, I intend to continue trying each and every one.  Without the trial and error we don’t have the opportunity to stumble upon the life and purpose that is perfectly suited for each of us.

Perfection is the beauty you see in your opportunities, they are not a “one size fits all”, they fit only with you.

taking chances

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Posted by on June 5, 2013 in Blog


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