Tag Archives: opportunity

Into the New Year We Go!

What does 2015 Mean for You?

Have you been thinking about and/or planning your New Years’ Resolutions? Have you been able to keep your resolutions on track throughout the past years? I find I start thinking about mine in November, I don’t start them then obviously but it’s kind of the warm-up for the final draft when the New Year changes over. I have my standard resolutions which I think everyone kind of does, you know spend smart, save more, continue to build for my future and I think it’s a good time to plant the seeds you want to see manifest. Of course that’s a good thing to do at any time but I think there is more positive energy in the air during the beginning of a New Year. Everyone is full of hope and promise and like I’ve said in past New Years’ posts I believe there is a lot of positive energy that gets unused and sits their idle waiting for someone to grasp the extra boost of magic and possibilities.

happy new year 2014,2015

From what I’ve read through many astrology outlets 2015 is promising to be a year of positive change for many of us. I also have a good feeling about 2015, it’s definitely going to be a year of positive change for me and I have a lot of motivation to keep that energy moving strong and independent. I think it’s important to grab a hold of positive energy you feel around you and use it to your advantage, get a strong grip on your hopes for new possibilities and opportunities, keep your eyes open and take them when they show up, without hesitation. I’ve found that the times when I’m most scared of moving in a different direction have been the times when I’ve received the most benefit. I’m still pursuing many dreams and even though I sometimes get delayed they are always at the front of my conscious mind. If you find that you also get delayed it doesn’t mean give up or maybe next year or maybe that’s a sign and I won’t bother, it just means sometimes there are delays. Your dreams still matter and are still important enough to pursue.

If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough!    – Ellen Johnson Sirleaf

So what are your dreams? Do they scare you, are you at times afraid of trying? You see when you put yourself out there and try for your dreams, you are exposed, vulnerable and it’s a scary thing, sometimes scary enough that you don’t want to try. Chances are though that even if you find something isn’t for you it leads you to something better, something you wouldn’t have realized without going in that direction. Honestly I would rather try and realize it wasn’t for me then spend a lifetime of “what if” of regret for not making the attempt and if it leads you to something else you wouldn’t have otherwise discovered even better, there is no downside to that effort.

You get out of life what you put into it, if you don’t go down the path of your dreams, your dreams will never be able to find the open path to you.

If you find your motivation slipping go back to what inspired you to begin with and re-ignite that motivation, it will always be there.

There is nothing you can’t achieve, the only person that can put limits on your possibilities is you.

My wish for all is that you lead with your heart, listen to your spirit and follow your dreams. There is no wrong path when you allow your intuition to have a voice.

Dream Big: If you dream well past what you desire, there is no room for lack because even the smallest achievement is bigger than where you were before.

Achieve Greater: Once you start to see even the smallest achievement show up in your life it will inspire you to push for more and achieve greater.

Believe in Yourself: When you truly believe in yourself it allows no room for any other outcome except that which you believe and desire to see. Seeing is believing. Believing is seeing.

new year 2015 wishes

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Posted by on December 29, 2014 in Blog


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From Great Sacrifice……

Comes Great Success!

I finally watched “The Pursuit of Happyness” on the weekend, yes I know I couldn’t be farther behind on being current but I’m not a huge movie watcher, mostly because I don’t have the time to invest in watching one and interruptions are constant, thank god for the pause button and PVR’s!

There are so many great things one can take away from watching this movie, for starters;

–          It’s a true story

–          There isn’t anything one can’t do

–          What you get out of life is what you put in

–          Everyone is in control of their own destiny

It’s a true story; what I liked most and identified strongly with is that no matter what the life circumstances of the character (Chris Gardner), he never felt or behaved like he was the victim.  This is so true, life owes us nothing it is up to each of us to create and take advantage of opportunity when it presents itself, if you decide not to take it then you aren’t the victim because you’ve made the choice not to accept, regardless of why.  It is your responsibility to navigate your life direction and find your purpose and whatever state your life is currently in has turned out that way because of the conscious or unconscious choices you have made.  I do believe that there are certain events that can occur in life that can take you off course but it’s your decision whether or not to get back on at some point.  There have been some truly remarkable people that have taken bad pasts and experiences and turned them into positive outcomes and that has happened because they intended to do so, because they were determined not to let anything negative define who they became and because they knew their will to succeed was stronger than any circumstance thrown in their path. 

–          Know your worth!

–          Know your value!

–          Trust yourself!

There isn’t anything one can’t do; I am beyond determined when there is something I decide I want to do and anyone who has ever tried to tell me I can’t do something is usually wasting their breath (and they know it) because if I want to I am definitely going to make an attempt.  Obviously we can’t do everything and if we could there wouldn’t be much need for any kind of specialized profession but I am at least going to test the waters to determine where my strengths lie.  One of my favorite baseball quotes is exactly this and I hope that everyone keeps this in mind when they are feeling like there is something that they can’t do or accomplish, if you don’t even try, you will never know if you could or couldn’t.

quote, fear of striking out

What you get out of life is what you put in;  if you’re not living what you consider to be your best life now then just maybe you haven’t put you’re all into it.  If the work you’ve put in doesn’t match what you’re living, I believe it means more work is required of you and the question is, are you up for the challenge?  How much do you really want it?  I know that there have been times when I’ve had expectations that I haven’t put the work in for and honestly I can’t expect the universe to reward me for sitting back, kicking my feet up, dreaming of the change but not doing any work to make the room for it to manifest in my life.  The times when I’ve worked the hardest are the times when I’ve received the greatest rewards and the reason the reward feels so great is because it’s not just that you did the work, it’s that you put your all into it to achieve what you desire and the universe has rewarded you for that hard work through acknowledgement and success.  You can’t fail if you believe in yourself!

Everyone is in control of their own destiny; know that whatever happens or doesn’t happen in your life has the option to be guided or re-directed by you.  Obviously we can’t control the tide of the ocean but we can learn to navigate our way through when it becomes rough and foggy.  At some point things do settle down, the fog lifts and that is the opportunity to find a route that works better for you.  The route you need to find is one that resonates within, that provides you with the most comfort, contentment and challenges you personally need to feel alive.  Never stop challenging yourself to get to the next level because there is ALWAYS another mountain to climb beyond the one you’ve just gotten over and you won’t know how much more life is ahead of you if you give up before your journey is complete.

We are all part of the circle of life and we all have a contribution to make, do not minimize your place in this world.  There is someone who needs you and someone you need (although it is likely there are more than just one) for purposes higher than you may know at this time but the beautiful thing about the Universe is that it knows when the time is perfectly right for you to be enlightened and your hard work NEVER goes unacknowledged.

Everything achieved honestly is the result of hard work and hard work is the result of loving yourself and life enough to continually challenge and better yourself through any kind of adversity life gives you. 

Success is felt personally, lived luxuriously and expressed unconditionally.

confucius quote

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Posted by on February 12, 2014 in Blog


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The Universe Knows More Than I

Resistance is Futile!

There is no point in challenging the Universe!  I have learned to accept this because the Universe knows more than I do about what is on the horizon and my life always adjusts accordingly, my resistance is futile!

Change happens and how well the transition goes depends on how well I adapt to it and how willing I am to accept it.  One thing I’ve noticed, for myself especially, is that change is just about to happen when I feel like I’m at a low point.  Like the calm before the storm, it’s that quieter moment when it feels like nothing is happening or is going to happen and then all of a sudden it does and how I respond determines how many opportunities arise as a result.

lion,change quote

If I resist, then the amount of opportunities diminish, not for any other reason than my resistance has squelched the momentum.  They are called opportunities because they require your call to action; some of them are fleeting moments and you need to act right away and some hang around available for a longer period of time.  I’ve found that the bigger opportunities involve bigger risks and by risks I mean vulnerability, when I’m scared of that moment I’ve found it’s usually a big opportunity and one that advances me much farther in my personal development and goals.

If I embrace, then more opportunities arise because I am keeping the momentum on an upward swing and embracing is a positive responsive action, positive actions create positive results, always!  Opportunities have a way of expanding if you give them the room to grow and evolve and the more room you give them the wider the spectrum becomes which equals more options.  The more options I have or create for myself the easier my life becomes.  Without options I feel stifled and trapped, unable to have the room to breathe that I need and that feeling prevents other options from arising, it can also manifest in other ways through physical or emotional well-being.

Learn how to inspire yourself when needed, not every day is a fantastic day, down time is essential to keep life balanced but finding the things that can change how your day is going in a positive way when you most need it is an important skill to develop.

Learn to recognize when change is on the horizon for you, what it feels like, how it affects you and how to utilize all the positive aspects to increase your opportunities. 

–          Be aware but don’t be afraid.

–          Take chances but know your limitations.

–          Be realistic but believe in your dreams.

Always know that you can do anything you want as long as your heart and mind are truly in it.  The only person that ever stands in your way is you, not the Universe.

The Universe supports your path even if you haven’t yet realized which path that is, it will constantly lead and inspire you to move in that direction.

trust the universe


Posted by on February 6, 2014 in Blog


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The Tools in Life You Shouldn’t Live Without

What’s in Your Toolbox?


  • I Turn Every Experience into an Opportunity

I know that everything in life happens for some subliminal reason and we can’t always have the foresight to venture ahead to understand it or the gratitude for the wisdom gained from the experience but I have learned to recognize when opportunity arises. 

Opportunities are actually abundant for everyone but I think many of us don’t see them because they haven’t appeared as grandiose as built them up in our minds.  Even the smallest of opportunity is still an opportunity and when you take advantage of the small ones what follows suit is the big ones too because opportunity knows no boundaries and once you open that door you start to realize, recognize and become aware of how many there are around you.  It’s not a matter of you changing, it’s just a matter of adjusting your vision, similar to wearing 3D glasses where the objects pop out at you, you will be able to see your opportunities in a heightened state of awareness that makes them stand out before you.

  • I Am Worth Loving

Knowing your worth and learning not to de-value yourself based on an opinion that isn’t your own is an inner dialogue you need to develop.  Everyone has an opinion but if they haven’t walked in your shoes for any length of time then there is absolutely no foundation for that opinion to stand on.  I’ve found that people with strong opinions usually aren’t very happy, I believe that is because they are so busy looking into someone else’s life that they aren’t living their own and by doing so they are depriving themselves of finding happiness and enjoying their life the way they were meant to.  We are all worth loving, we are all worth finding happiness and we are all worth enjoying our lives, no matter what!

  • I Forgive Myself

Forgiveness is a major part of your own evolvement, without it you are literally held within a trap of your own making that keeps you in a state of sadness, hurt, discontent, anger, and so many more.  Forgiveness is essential for moving past an experience that has caused negative disruption, disruption that has been awful that it has halted you in your tracks and kept you unable to look ahead.  On one of my previous posts (Evolving Means Change) I put in a quote from Oprah Winfrey about forgiveness that I believe are words to live by as well as words to inspire you to forgive so you can enjoy your best life.

  • I Am in the Process of Positive Change

I’ve always lived within the positive mindset, outlook and attitude and I believe that maintaining and feeding those states of mind have made what has become a process not feel like one.  It has become effortless so much so that I don’t have to work very hard at staying positive.  Of course everyone has an off day, I do too, like you got up on the wrong side of the bed and everything bugs you but I don’t think that has as much to do with my positive outlook as it does with just being burnt out.  My positivity never waivers, I have high hopes and aspirations for all areas of my life and I know that when the time is right all things fall into place.  The Divine knows all, I’ve had my moment of doubting it when something didn’t happen when I expected but I found that when it happened later when I didn’t, it was better timing.  The Universe just knows and part of positivity is having faith in that but I am always trying to create a better way and a better process for positive change.  That’s the whole point of positivity, it inspires you continually improve, not because you need it but because you love it.

  • I Open New Doors to Life

I am continually looking for new doors to open and as much as I get scared at first, that’s my personal indication that I’m opening the right one.  I think you have to scare yourself sometimes, really challenge yourself, push yourself forward even if you’re terrified because pushing past that fear enhances your own personal courage, builds self-confidence and sometimes it opens up an opportunity, one you might not have otherwise discovered.  The more new doors you open the more your personal power grows because with each step into new territory you blaze trails for yourself and for others.  Imagine how much inspiration one person can provide to another just by leading the way and vice versa, you may follow another’s path because they’ve inspired you to do so.  Inspiration comes from a place of purity, a place of universal love and cannot be touched or tainted by negativity.  Open as many new doors as you can find and I can assure you, your path will be found!

  • The Past is Over

There is a reason why it is called the past, and that is because you can’t go back and change it regardless of whether or not you think you will find some sort relief from the negativity that has transpired forth as a result of the experience.  Chances are even if you were able to go back and hit the delete button to undo what was done, sure it may have changed where you are now but you would also lose the greater gifts that came with it.  Don’t disparage the gifts, what you learn from lessons can help you in more experiences to come than you realize.  I’ve learned how to adapt and handle situations that in my teen years wouldn’t have even entered my mind.  I’ve learned how to trust (especially in the universe) that all things happen when they are meant to and there’s no point in me trying to rush the universe if it decides it’s going to move at a glacial pace, at least that’s how I view it when I get impatient, trust me my patience is still a work in progress.  Without these lessons that are all from my past, I may not be as mindfully developed, and the mindful development is a work in progress as well and that is because if I don’t keep challenging myself, what am I doing then? 

Keep the past where it belongs, allow yourself the presence and peace of mind to enjoy the present and even though your future is not yet written, look forward to living it, I know I do!

MarkTwainExplore quote

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Posted by on January 23, 2014 in Blog


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It’s a New Year, and……

Opportunity Awaits

opportunity, new yearsI always look forward to the beginning of a New Year because it always feels like an endless amount of opportunities await and they do.  I believe the New Year is the change sometimes needed to wipe the slate clean and there is never a bad time nor is it ever too late to start a new and more positive way of living.  It’s not just the bountiful opportunities but the energy as well that is in the air and swirls all around and offers up change and the hope of new life.

The best time of the year to rid yourself of bad habits, a way of thinking or behaviour that is working against you rather than for you, or just changing/enhancing things for the better is at the beginning of the year when the universe is responding to all the positive energy of everyone’s grandest wishes and dreams.  At the beginning of the year is when all we have the highest hopes and plans for how we want to see the year progress and the energy associated can either flourish or fall to the wayside, it’s completely up to you!

New Year’s Resolutions made with the best intentions aren’t always carried through but whether or not they are successful depends on your own determination and will, and of course the extra energy that is in the air is of great assistance and inspiration.  I think the key to success is envisioning your end goal and seeing that in your mind’s eye, it helps maintain motivation during times of self-doubt, insecurity or impatience.

If you can see it, you can achieve it!

It’s not just motivating yourself but also supporting the lives and dreams of those around you, in doing that you are not only helping to enhance their life but yours as well and that builds good karma.  Keep in mind that the good karma is built or increased only if the intention is pure and not for personal gain.

There are many ways to increase your chances of being successful in achieving resolutions you have made:

–         If you plan to rid yourself of a bad habit doing so with a friend who also has that same goal can be motivational and you can support each other in times of considerations not to follow through.

–         If you plan to make a positive lifestyle change you can chart it on a vision board which can help you to achieve goals in smaller steps so you gain motivation to reach the milestones.

–         If you plan to wipe the slate clean and start anew, I think it may be a good idea to practice an “Act of Random Kindness” for each day of the New Year, although I think that’s a good plan for everyone to practice daily.

Don’t sell yourself short, you can do anything you want, there is no expiration date on dreams or goals.

There is no age limit that should deter you from changing anything you want to your liking.

I think the best thing we can do for ourselves is to be honest with who we really are, where we want to go, how we want to get there and what we will do along the way.  I think that everyone deep down knows the difference between the right and wrong thing to do and if you live your life according to that standard, knowing that doing the right thing is the only honorable way through life than you’ll achieve great success in every aspect of your life.

The most important state of being to embrace is that of gratitude, having uninhibited appreciation for all the blessings in your life will keep the door of opportunity revolving and create a richness of spirit beyond any amount of wealth one could ever achieve.

I have great aspirations for this New Year, I’ve been looking forward to it the whole month of December, not that I was wishing away the time but rather that it’s been a challenging year and my passion for closure to those challenges and positive change runs deep.

I strongly feel that 2014 is going to be filled with so many positive changes in every aspect of my life and I am looking forward to it.  I can feel that energy swirling and it has gained more momentum this year than I felt of it last year which can only lead to positive life changes that I know are going to enhance my life is more ways than I can possibly imagine.

Allow yourself the freedom to believe and the universe will respond to that belief.  Be mindful of your thoughts and generous with your heart and dreams and success will be just around the corner.

Opportunity awaits!



Posted by on January 2, 2014 in Blog


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Wanting to Exhale

It’s How You Breathe!

In the last couple of months I’ve had some challenges that have been hard to handle at certain moments (to say the least) but they have allowed me to step a little bit outside of myself at times so I could observe the plans ahead and the placement of those in my life.  How things come together or apart and how people step in and out of our lives, usually at the right times.  The only words I can think of to describe it all is “weirdly wonderful timing” because even though I know that the universe knows all and the best laid plans don’t always materialize, those that pop in and out of our lives at specific times are all part of the bigger picture/plan, it still blows my mind at how it all plays out.

My daughter had some more challenges in the last couple weeks that seem to be an aftershock-like effect from her surgery, all the trauma and fluctuation of her entire system, of course who wouldn’t?  The body is not meant to have to go through such big changes and especially in such a short period of time but she seems to be finally bouncing back, at least that’s my continued hope and prayer.Never-allow-someone-to-be-your-priority-while-allowing-yourself-to-be-their-option

It’s in the difficult times that you really discover who’s on your team!

I want to let all of those who I know are on my team know that even though you may have thought your support was insignificant it was noticed.  Even though I may have at times said I was ok when I didn’t feel so much that way, the fact that you checked was noticed.  Even though I know I put some of you off for a visit to make sure I was ok, when I definitely wasn’t, I want you to know that it wasn’t because I didn’t want to see you, it was because I couldn’t.  Your compassion was too overwhelming and my emotions were sitting too close to the surface to suppress them and my dignity to maintain my strength was all I had left.

I think when you have the moment to step outside yourself and reflect it’s always a great opportunity.  There is greater clarity outside the confines of our own psyche and it’s in that zone that I believe we can find the answers to questions that have eluded us and the opportunity to find out more about what you are looking for in your life.

I discovered that I had two different life challenges working against each other which weren’t beneficial for my daughter’s recovery process.  I am overly ambitious and wanted to get a plan going that helps her get well in the best way possible.  I’m not a doctor so medically I can’t do anything to make things better but I am her mother so I’m going to try to break down every wall to find a way.  When I get my mind on a direction I take off running but when it comes to something like physical recovery (especially someone else’s recovery), taking off running doesn’t work out so well.  The recovery goes on her timetable, not mine, so I can make all the plans I want for progressing forward but if her system isn’t ready, it isn’t ready, plain and simple.

The other life challenge is patience, which in my opinion, impedes progress for ambition.  I’m sure that there are many people that have been able to find the happy medium for these two to work together but my maternal and protective nature wants to change things for the better for my daughter not later, but now!  If it were me, I would definitely be motivated but not as strongly as I am when it comes to my daughter and of course that’s because for me, it’s her world that matters the most!

One thing I have noticed is that when I’m not gripping so tightly to trying to make things work, they seem to find a different, and usually better, way to just work out.  Like everything just falls into place naturally and I think that is also the universe telling me something; that things will happen naturally if I just let them.



Posted by on November 26, 2013 in Blog


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When Opportunity Knocks

Are you going to Answer It?

Not everything always goes as planned and most of the time that is a good thing because even though I think I know best, I’m often shown that I don’t.  When the universe throws me a curve ball it usually propels me into a direction I wouldn’t have chosen but one that ultimately turns out to be the better path.


The gifts of the opportunities I’ve had have been wisdom, experience, faith, and many more, all of which I need on the road ahead.  My own personal mantra is to have no regrets, I don’t want to ever wonder “what if” so I make sure I take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way, even if I’m not sure of it because I believe that the Universe doesn’t make mistakes, everything is meant to teach us something!

There is benefit to every door that opens, just because you haven’t seen something yet doesn’t mean it’s not there.  Sometimes you just have to expand your awareness and have faith that “everything happens for a reason”, all will be shown when the time is in sync with your awareness.  In reflection I know that there have been times when I’ve had the same synchronized moment occur that I didn’t get the first time it was shown but did later when my awareness was more in sync.

If you live your life never taking advantage of the opportunities that come your way you are depriving yourself of the possibility of something really great happening, something you never could have predicted or envisioned.  Even if you feel slightly afraid of taking that step forward I think you will find that in doing so not only are you confronting your fears but you are empowering yourself.  Empowerment is exhilarating, scary at times, but exhilarating and the more you choose to take that risk, the more the opportunities will show up in your life.

three simple rules

Our existence is all energy and our energy is increased or decreased depending on which side of it you are feeding.  If you are working to expand your awareness and build your faith in the universe it will respond and if it’s not responding as quickly as you would like then that may be because you have not yet reached that synchronicity.  The Universe will give you signs, not all of them are as prominent as you may like but don’t give up, the signs are the indication that you are going in the right direction.  Your gut instinct is the confirmation that those signs are real, don’t ignore it.

Not everyone experiences the opportunities the same, it all depends on your comfort level with chance and your willingness to answer that door.

There have been many different paths I have taken so far and I’m sure many more to come, I intend to continue trying each and every one.  Without the trial and error we don’t have the opportunity to stumble upon the life and purpose that is perfectly suited for each of us.

Perfection is the beauty you see in your opportunities, they are not a “one size fits all”, they fit only with you.

taking chances

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Posted by on June 5, 2013 in Blog


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Out on a Limb!

Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

This is where the biggest and most rewarding opportunities exist, the question is do you have enough faith to walk on the weaker branches in the hopes that you may find what you truly desire?  It takes great risk to gain a greater sense of freedom and happiness and even though I know this I sometimes hesitate to step ahead and away from the safety net that I prefer.  That safety net provides me with stability but not unlimited movement and it’s within the unlimited movement that an abundance of options and opportunities are waiting for me.

out on a limb

It’s crazy to think how easy it is to talk ourselves out of an opportunity that can ultimately change our lives in so many ways but I’ve done it, so I know it’s possible.  The reason I believe we sometimes talk ourselves out of pursuing something we desire is because “what if I can’t do it” or “what if I fail”.  The truth is it isn’t actually failure, we are meant to try but we aren’t always meant to succeed because it’s through that attempt that we find an inner strength that is needed to serve us in another endeavor, one we may not have gained otherwise.

I like to think of these instances as creative mistakes, mistakes that help point us in the direction we are supposed to be heading.  It’s as simple as searching for a friend’s home and turning down the wrong street, would you think you failed if you did that?  Not likely, you would just think “Geez, went down the wrong street”, now how do I get there from here?  The reason it is so minimal when it’s in that context is because going down the wrong street isn’t a big issue because there isn’t a huge emotional investment in searching for a friend’s home but there is in say a career choice or matters of the heart.  Of course the bigger goals and dreams will definitely carry a bigger emotional attachment because there is so much more riding on it and I can totally relate.scare yourself

The biggest indication for me that I am on the verge of a great opportunity is that I feel like I am scaring myself and sometimes that vulnerability can impair the courage that drives me forward but I know that I need to feel that so I can learn to trust and believe in myself.

My moment of truth in making the conscious decision to step outside of my comfort zone more than I stay in it will create the shift that will open up my world to a beauty that is beyond what I can imagine.

Not everything occurs as we may hope, believe or expect and if we knew the outcome of every experience we were in then I don’t think we would truly experience it as we are meant to.  All experiences that occur in our lives are there to teach and help us grow into the life we are meant to live.  If you aren’t living the life you want or desire, venture out onto the weaker branches as far as you can bring yourself to go, it is there where the best fruit is waiting for you!

We are all given the necessities that we require to achieve what we desire.  If you never try you will never know what you could really accomplish!

Imagine, Believe, Achieve!

three simple rules



Posted by on March 27, 2013 in Blog


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The Road Less Travelled

Is Usually the Easiest Path

The only thing is, it’s so easy that it can feel too good to be true and too easy to be right!  Are you searching to find your happiness or naturally allowing it to happen?

Allowing it to happen naturally is usually the road less travelled because it’s well-known that hard work presents the greatest rewards and while that is true, you also need to be open to allow the fruits of your labour to flourish.


The natural embrace of allowing things to occur creates a variety of opportunities that you might not have otherwise seen because you were too focused on controlling the outcome.  Being in control of your life is good but like everything variety is a necessity and too much control can diminish the element of surprise and opportunity.

When searching to find your happiness it can seem at times like things just aren’t going the way you want them and that’s because rather than trying to forcefully steer your ship against the current, you sometimes need to go with it and find the openings and opportunities along the way.  Like a give and go, you advance when the opening comes and hang back when it’s time to strategize for the next leg of the journey.

I have had difficulty at times because I am a “get it done now” type of person, when I know what I want I go in that direction and patience can be my opposition.  It’s difficult for me to rein it in and allow things to occur as they should because I know that ultimately the universe knows best and knows when the right time is for change to occur.  I do trust that but find that I have to remind myself constantly to have faith, pay attention to the signs and watch for the opportunities because they will come, hope guides me.

“When you follow your bliss doors will open where there were no doors before and where there are no doors for anyone else”  –  Joseph Campbell

My perspective on this quote is that no opportunity presented behind the door will be the same for any other individual.  We are all unique, no two people experience any one thing the same emotionally and our emotion is what connects us to others and helps us to determine what we like and don’t like, which in turn determines which direction we choose to go.  If you are following your bliss (allowing things to occur naturally) then you are more likely to be opening those doors.  If you are too focused on controlling where you want to go (searching for your happiness) then you may not even see the door of opportunity when it presents itself because you are closed off and going in one focused direction.

When you follow your bliss rather than search for it you aren’t forcing it and that is what opens up all the doors that you seek.  It is that relaxed state of being that creates the moments, the opportunities, the gifts and the happiness, like the phrase “good things come to those who wait”.  It doesn’t mean do nothing and wait for it, it means plant your seeds and wait for them blossom.

If you want something positive to happen in your life you first must be open to letting it in.

the road less travelled



Posted by on March 13, 2013 in Blog


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The Road Ahead

Navigating Through Life

How has your road trip been so far?  Have you been able to negotiate the twists and turns?

I’ve heard the comparison of a road map as a reference to our own lives and I can relate.

These are my analogies to travelling the road of life:

–          Construction Zones (A Reminder of Patience – Don’t sweat the small stuff)

–          Soft Shoulders (Sugar Coating Communications – Tell them how you really feel)

–          Yield ( Respecting other’s Opinions & Feelings – We are unique, we all don’t think alike) 

–          Do Not Enter (Crossing Boundaries – know when to walk away)

–          One Way Street (Negative Thinking – Not every obstacle is as big as it seems)

–          Fork in the Road ( Making a Decision – choosing the path that’s right for You)

–          Gravel or Dirt Road (A New Lesson to Learn – Could be a long or short distance, depends on You)

–          Wrong Turn (You’ve Stepped Off your Path – A mistake)

–          Gridlock (Unable to Find Compromise – Only time will reveal)

–          Bridge is Out (Forgive and Forget – Not all mistakes can be repaired, time to move forward)

–          The Runaway Lane (Not Learning a Lesson – Our ego thinking it knows better)

–          Rest Stops (Regaining your Strength – Finding your personal power)

–          Hitchhikers (The People We Allow Into our Life – Positive or Negative)

–          Detours (A New Direction Not Considered – Relying on your gut instincts)

–          The High Road (Don’t Compromise your Integrity – Don’t lower yourself to someone else’s level)

–          All Green Lights (Positive Thinking, natural flow of the Universe)

Some of the various roadblocks that come up in our lives are there for a reason, some are a result of choices made (good or bad), some are there to teach us so we can learn and grow, some are there to serve solely as a “déjà vu” reminder to keep us from straying too far from the main road.

Most of these turns, bumps and challenges are in place to keep us on the straight and narrow, although sometimes we get off course, take a wrong turn and end up on the wrong end of a one-way street. 

  • Sometimes we get ourselves so far off course that our GPS is continually “re-calculating”.
  • Sometimes you end up having to make a complete U-Turn and go back to where you started.
  • Sometimes, you just can’t get there from here!

Not every road leads to a better life but all roads provide us with an opportunity for personal growth.  Along the way we can find great friends, love, passion, purpose and a greater understanding for how impactful positive thinking can be.

The Universe knows where we should be going but we have our own free will to ultimately decide.


Posted by on July 24, 2012 in Blog


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