Monthly Archives: April 2015

Dream Big, Dare Greatly!

It’s Never Too Late for Action

If it is something you have dreamed about, you need to act, if it is all that you’ve ever wanted, you need to act, if it is within your grasp, you need to act!

There is more self-loathing contained in the one that never takes the chance, whether you are held back by fear or not, taking a chance at your dreams takes courage and when you feed that courage you gain strength and confidence in yourself.

I never would have ventured the thought that within vulnerability lies your biggest source of strength but it is and challenging yourself when you feel the most exposed and vulnerable is like recharging your stamina meter, look out world I’m on a mission!

You may think that being vulnerable is being weak but it is actually being strong, strong enough to show your own vulnerability. When you do this, I’m not going to lie, it can be really scary but what you gain is inner strength, there is no greater exposure to who you really are, no one could expose you any further because you’ve already opened up your vulnerable

You can’t get to courage without walking through vulnerability…

Vulnerability is the birthplace of everything we are hungry for…

Both of these statements were quoted by Dr. Brene Brown and I definitely agree with them, I experienced this exact epiphany (although couldn’t articulate as beautifully) but these words are true and you won’t be able to really understand how profound it really is until you step into your own space of vulnerability.

What you think about yourself is more important than you may realize, how you view your importance and place in this life is what feeds your self-pride and/or your courage to take a chance and go for what you want.

The quote below is now added to my collection of favorite quotes for a few reasons, I have observed a variety of different personalities, some I gravitate to and some I gravitate away from.

Theodore Roosevelt quote that Dr. Brene Brown references at the beginning of her latest book “Daring Greatly”:

It’s not the critic who counts, it’s not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better, the credit goes to the man who’s actually in the arena, whose face is marred with dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly and who errs and fails and is sometimes victorious but when he fails as least he does so daring greatly!

There is always going to be those that stand at the sidelines too afraid to try and full of self-loathing because of it and what they point out as your faults are really how they feel about themselves, they likely have more respect for you because you tried and are mad at themselves and jealous because they lacked the courage to dare greatly.

It doesn’t make them any less of a person, I think it’s just because somewhere along the line their courage and faith got broken, your self-talk is so important because you can either make or break yourself further with your own thoughts but realize it doesn’t mean that’s it and you’re over!

It’s never too late for action to change everything around you, it starts with your thoughts and that’s not going to cost you a thing, except some faith. Every day or every week you can change one thought about yourself from negative to positive, thoughts become attitude and then outlook and before you know it the world around you starts to change and mold according to those new positive thoughts.

Change your thoughts, change your life….. Wayne Dyer

Don’t you believe you are worth it?

  • I do! I believe we are all worth it, all deserving of the living the life we want, all you have to do is take action, be positive and don’t give up! Why would you expect that your best life is to come to you and not the other way around? Anything worth having, is worth doing the work for!

We are only victims of the prisons we put ourselves in with our thoughts so change your thoughts!

Don’t let your self-talk ruin you, you’re better than that and deserve better than that and you can have anything you want as long as you’re willing to do the work, make the sacrifices and never take no for an answer!

Dream Big, Dare Greatly and do it with Integrity!

dare to dream

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Posted by on April 20, 2015 in Blog


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Soul Beginnings

The Existence of the Soul?

Déjà vu or misplaced memory? Do you believe in past lives and/or reincarnation of the soul? Have you ever had a moment that seemed so oddly familiar that you know you’ve been in that space of time in the same conversation, place or event before?

I’ve experienced these kinds of moments a few times and during that moment of familiarity it almost feels like things are moving in slow motion as I begin to make the connection and a sense or feeling comes to the surface. I do believe that these are the signposts along your journey to let you know you’re on the right path and meeting the right connections.

I’m not overly religious or immersed in any one belief system, I believe that all belief systems at the core have the same root in that they all stem from a higher source of power that we pay homage to and acknowledge. The fine details of each may differ but the purpose of the collective is having faith in something bigger than ourselves. Of course it is the option through free will that each of you get to choose or not choose where you want to place your faith but I don’t believe that the strength of your faith is dependent upon where or how you choose to honor it but rather the depth of your integrity, gratitude for life and compassion towards others.

A few years ago I had read a theory in a book by Sylvia Browne about past lives and her reference to what she called “bleed-throughs”, it has been a few years since I read this so I do not remember it exactly as it was written but the jist of her theory was with relation to someone experiencing a multiple personality and the possibility may not necessarily be a disorder but rather a bleed-through of a personality from a past life. I found this theory really interesting and wondered how far back into past lives these bleed-throughs can manifest from, maybe all the way back from the soul beginnings?

There are many accredited practitioners and psychiatrists, etc., that treat patients with past life regression therapy and/or hypnotherapy, so if the belief is there isn’t there a possibility that a past life has memories rooted in the soul so strongly that they may be blending in the current life you lead?

I recently watched an episode I had PVR’d of Oprah’s “Super Soul Sunday” with Dr. Brian Weiss who spoke about past lives and their impact which only furthered my interest in the subject of where it all begins for each soul. He spoke of one particular patient that turned his entire traditional training and belief system in a complete 180 degrees and how it changed his life direction and purpose. I imagine that even in the ideals of those in clinical and scientific study that rely and depend on factual evidence, thoughts or talk of this subject could be considered suicidal to a career, especially 30 years ago so I’d definitely say he was a trailblazer.


I am happy to see these skeptical subjects that long ago would have been considered “crazy talk” are now coming into the forefront of conversation and people are interested to know more. These topics aren’t easily proved because they lack the tangible and fact based evidence that is usually a requirement within anything of scientific nature. I think the biggest aspect of believing in the possibility of soul beginnings, intuitiveness and psychic experiences is within the foundation of your faith in the existence of things that you cannot see or touch.

With every life experience comes the opportunity to evolve your spirit more. I wouldn’t think that there would be anything awful about the thought of multiple life experiences because it just means you keep getting more opportunities to get things right, to progress and advance your soul’s higher learning.

My life experiences so far have continued to strengthen my belief in that higher source of power, when I feel unsettled I find inspiration comes in which reconnects me to the Universal source of energy that resonates within my soul. I trust that by following my instincts I will continue to follow my passion which in turn keeps me in alignment with my life’s purpose.

Things are shifting aren’t they and the more they shift the more connected we all become!

always believe


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Posted by on April 13, 2015 in Blog


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If You Build It, They Will Come

Believe It Can Happen!

One of the single most important aspects to manifesting your dreams is believing it will happen!

Whatever you seek in life is dependent upon your belief that it will actually happen and when you do fully believe you start living your life as if these things are already happening or on their way. Whether you realize it or not, this shift in your perspective and outlook makes room internally as well as externally and as a result you open the door to accept happiness and peace into your soul.

“If you build it, they will come”, speaking metaphorically of course, because it’s not just about that movie and building a baseball field, it applies to everything within your life and is exactly the state of belief and unwavering faith you need to embrace so the changes you wish to see can begin to manifest. You must be willing and open to change, you must be willing to do the work and make sacrifices, when the time is right the rewards will follow.


Sometimes though the rewards don’t turn out to be specifically what you expected and by that I don’t mean that you do the work and you there are no rewards; I mean that sometimes the work leads you to another path, one that has different challenges and/or roadblocks you might not have encountered otherwise and that changes the rewards. I believe that everything in life begins as part of the imagination and that inspires creativity, when you come up with an idea about something sometimes you have different thoughts along the way that change the original idea, that’s creativity! Creativity inspired can blossom into so many other areas that the possibilities become endless so when I say that sometimes the rewards change it is because the creativity that surrounds you is constantly moving.

Similarly you also are always moving, changing, adapting, creating, imagining, etc. When you operate in this state you are in alignment with the Universe as it is also moving, changing, adapting, creating, imagining, etc.

It makes sense that when you are operating within that alignment that YOUR possibilities become endless.

It’s the Law of Attraction, I’m sure you’ve noticed at certain times in your life when things just flow, like you’re “in the zone” and everything is working out beautifully. Alternatively there are also the times when everything seems to go wrong in a day and those are the days when you are not in alignment, you’re “out of the zone”. Most times you fall “out of the zone” is when you are resisting, likely one of life’s lessons, and believe me the more you resist the more you will have days like that.

I think sometimes resistance is the response to anything that is painful or challenging because it is much easier to look away from your pain or challenges than stare it down and deal with it. Understandably some difficulties take more from you than you want to allow but I’ve learned that when I face obstacles it builds me back stronger. I can honestly say that when it comes to life’s lessons there is no comparison to the strong sense of self you gain when you rise to the occasion.

Life’s lessons will open you to new understanding, perspective and outlook all of which will change who you are and how you view your world, these lessons are here to help you, not break you.

It isn’t until you are humbled by life’s lessons that you really develop the understanding of the bigger picture and of course that brings a whole other set of questions. The difference is that these questions become more about substance than material, more about internal than external and more about spirit than ego.

If You Build It, They Will Come!

love life, it will love you back

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Posted by on April 6, 2015 in Blog


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