Monthly Archives: December 2013

Christmas Magic

Lives in the Spirit of the Season

Well this Christmas season really kept me busy, right from the beginning of December and every time I felt like I was finally catching up I would fall behind again.  This unfortunately kept me from my writing but honestly when I’m so busy it’s hard to relax my mind and let the creative side flow and I really want to put out something that people can connect with.  Even though it’s through social media and not personal (face to face) connection, for me it needs to feel genuine and I hope it does for you.  I welcome any and all comments, I find sometimes that even the smallest thing said can inspire another thought in me that can bring greater enlightenment and awareness that I can hopefully share with all of you.

I did find that even though this season usually has everyone rushing around that there were many people (strangers) that didn’t seem as stressed this year and seemed to really be living in the spirit of the season.

What does Christmas mean to you?  Are you feeling the true spirit of the season?

The best gifts one can receive are not available in stores, you can’t buy a close connective bond with someone, you can’t buy a family to share the season with and you can’t buy love.

If you had asked me at this time last year what I thought next Christmas was going to be like I wouldn’t have answered with how it has actually been, which is better than I had expected.  The changes I had experienced this year, some more challenging than others, opened up new paths and took me in directions that have enriched my life in ways I didn’t realize were there.

Even though I’ve embraced this holiday season every year with joy I found that this year felt positively different, like something changed although I don’t think it was just the season or those around me, it was me as well.

a change of feeling, a change of destiny

Although, I wasn’t pointedly changing the way I look at things for any particular reason, I didn’t have a plan to do so.  I think certain challenges this year changed me and as a result that also changed the way I look at things.  Things that carried a certain level of significance were diminished and other aspects that weren’t as significant became more important.  All those levels changed for me and those changes affected my outlook and perspective, obviously a greater clarity was in the cards for me or the universe wouldn’t have created the opening that brought me to this place.

Because of this change of feeling Christmas came in this year feeling warmer than ever and it feels like this is the beginning of a new chapter, one that is on the upswing and is going to bring more depth to my life.

It is my belief that life changing events, in whatever form they come through in, expose and cleanse the soul and how we transcend through them can elevate our awareness in all aspects of our lives and can be especially heightened by Christmas Magic.  This is what I experienced as my change of feeling and that awareness, although not expected, has brought more feelings of positive energy and a greater sense of faith in life and that things will work out as they are meant to.

Christmas is the holiday that reaches the soul, it is meant to bring people together whether they are family or not, to join with each other to honor the season and celebrate the love we have for those in our lives and share compassionately with those that may be struggling.

Even though there are challenges throughout the years that sometimes feel too difficult to get past there is one thing that never changes – the feeling of magic at Christmas.  It can transport you back to cherished memories and traditions that were the beginning of the many years to come for creating and building upon that Christmas Magic.

Christmas is also the reminder that a new year is just around the corner and I think that the magic swirling around from the Christmas season enhances my excitement for the opportunities I feel are on the horizon.  I definitely have a good feeling about 2014, there are indications all around for each of us that can help lead to the path of greater happiness, you just have to be open and aware.  The universe leads us down certain paths to help and teach us how to find greater awareness for the path we are destined to be on.

Embrace your mistakes as much as your victories because both have lessons within.

Merry Christmas to all, I wish everyone a happy, healthy and positive holiday season.  I hope you all get what you have wished for and more.

happy holidays


Posted by on December 26, 2013 in Blog


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Living Life?

Or just Existing?

It’s really about experiences and doing things!

Your purpose and calling is bigger than your presence.  It’s the journey and where it takes you and I believe all the journeys are there to teach us some form of Love, whether it is through compassion, empathy, authenticity, generosity, faith, intention, hope, gratitude or appreciation they all bring with them a greater awareness.  All of these states of being stem from Love and if you embrace your journey the limits of where you can go are boundless! 

Who are you trying to become?  Are you trying to be a good person?  At the end of the day we need to be ok at our inner core with what we’re doing.

Are you being authentic with yourself and others?  Are your motives genuine or selfish?  I think it’s important to stay within those guidelines to be aligned with your inner core or else you will feel inner conflict which isn’t always recognizable, it may just feel like something doesn’t feel right.


Your self-worth and personal value are enhanced when you connect to your inner core because it’s not your outside appearance that projects your beauty and that projection causes others to naturally be drawn to you.  Learn to recognize that rejection may not be a bad thing because it helps you to keep your expectations in check.  I believe also that it means there is something better coming around the corner and you need to be open to receive.  Rejection creates an opening of vulnerability and when you are vulnerable is when positive change has the opportunity to occur.

Unleash your imagination, let it flow through all your senses and it will help you to find your purpose.  In talking with others, there seems to be an overall sensing or knowing that there is something different that you should be doing.  I felt like there was an energy that was swirling just outside the zone waiting for the perfect moment to come rushing in.

When you finally understand that whispering you will find your voice and your priorities become so clear and the moment you shine a little light, it starts to grow.  Don’t be defined by anything other than your own authenticity and capacity for breathing your love of life into yourself and those around you.

Surprisingly, even though I constantly talk about having a plan, mostly all of mine have failed but those failures and my ability to adapt have allowed me to fall into better spaces each time, places I wouldn’t have thought to look or have interest in.  Having a plan is more for distraction because it helps you to direct your focus and energy on the steps and while you’re doing those steps you will likely discover something wonderful in between and the plan keeps you open to receive.  One thing for sure is that even though a plan has failed, at least I tried it and learned it wasn’t right for me and now I won’t have regret.

I think when it gets to that certain point in your life when you are looking for something to fill your passion, something to inspire your soul, you sometimes find yourself with regrets and sometimes those regrets are for the chances you didn’t take because of some form of vulnerability that prevented it.

It’s who you become by being truthful, authentic and generous with yourself and others.  When you don’t do something you know is right you end up living with regret and it will haunt you.

Sometimes the bravest thing to do is to embrace honesty so you don’t allow yourself to be held back from something that could have changed your life.


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Posted by on December 11, 2013 in Blog


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My Life, My Way!

YOU Are in Charge

You are the one who has to live in your life every day so it should be going the way you want it to or at least some version of how you see it.  If it isn’t than it’s time for you to take charge of your role and do the work that takes you in the direction you seek.

I think having a plan is the driving force that you need to unleash because we all need something to work toward or gravitate to.  It is inspiration that nourishes the soul, a nourishment that I don’t think any of us should be without because it helps to maintain balance.

My biggest impediments have been allowing those that lessen my worth into my life and it isn’t just through being nasty that someone can lessen your worth.  When you are contributing to something that you know isn’t feeding your soul, you are lessening your worth from what the divine meant it for.

We are here to learn, to grow, to inspire and nourish our spirit to evolve in as many directions as we can while trying to navigate the lessons and challenges that were planned for us while carefully riding the wave of the hidden influences that can interfere.

souls growth

The end result of each challenge is always greater knowledge, awareness & gratitude (if you learned the true meaning of your lesson), if you don’t it will keep cycling until you do.  Your gut instinct will alert you to imbalance but the cycle will only stop when you begin to listen.

We all have an inner war that needs to be battled at one time or another, sometimes more than once and I believe that the way to win your inner war is to take your weaknesses and expose them. 

The cycle is your own inner war (no one else’s) and until you embrace whatever is holding you back resistance will serve as your coat of armor.  Unfortunately that coat of armor will also prevent you from progressing forward because a repetitive cycle will remind you of every experience that bears resemblance so you will never truly experience closure. 

Without closure it is difficult, if not impossible, to move on.

If you can’t be honest with anyone else at the very least be honest with yourself.  Allow yourself to be vulnerable even if it feels uncomfortable or scary.

Vulnerability is the ultimate healer and I think that’s because when you peel back the layers you expose the core and at your core you aren’t negative, you aren’t hindered by insecurity, you have unconditional love and compassion for others.  Being completely vulnerable is the only way to shed the layers of life that have weighed you down and lowered your hope.  Once you have reached that point there is only one way to go and that is up and why not “go for it”?

Allow your imagination to reach into every depth of your interests, somewhere within your imagination is where your passion and purpose can be found but only if you allow it.

To begin changing the world around you, try one act of random kindness at a time.

act of random kindness

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Posted by on December 3, 2013 in Blog


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