Tag Archives: personal power

Rise or Fall

What Is Your Objective?

Are you going to let the difficult times determine your value and quality of life?

Are you going to build your future on a foundation of pains from the past?

Or you going to let it inspire you to change the direction to a more positive outcome?


When you are feeling stuck which I think everyone has at one time or another (hopefully not too often) you are presented with an opportunity.  The only problem is most of the time you don’t see it as opportunity because when you’re in that place of feeling stuck there are other emotions going on that cloud your view.

The opportunity is change!  Changing your thoughts, changing your attitude, changing your outlook and ultimately changing your life direction.

When you move in the direction of positive change it alters everything in your life:

  • It starts with you and your thoughts, do they sway a little stronger one way or the other (positive or negative side)? What you tell yourself, especially from your subconscious impacts how you feel and how you feel impacts how you interact with others.
  • When your thoughts change so do your interactions with others and how you view and perceive them. Things that possibly annoyed you before begin to become not so important, not because someone else has changed but because you have.
  • When your attitude changes that changes your outlook and your world around you becomes less offensive, not because others have changed but because you have. It’s not “what you get is what you see”, it’s actually “what you see is what you get”.

I’m not going to lie, it’s hard to change your thinking around when you are coming from the place of feeling stuck.  It’s hard to find something solid to stand on so you can rise up from whatever has put you in this place but it is possible.

It takes only a quick shift of thought, that lightning moment to change the direction.  I know that when I get an idea in my head I don’t let it go until I’ve exhausted everything trying.

No one is a failure for trying something that didn’t work, not trying will do more damage to you emotionally through regret than any effort ever made that didn’t work.

Vulnerability is the only way and it’s scary to put yourself out there especially when you don’t know the answers or feel you aren’t ready or strong enough to have them heard but it is such a freeing place to be.  When you allow yourself to be vulnerable there’s nothing left to hide, nothing left to expose or exploit, that changes it into power, personal power!

Whatever caused you to feel stuck is usually not something external but something you find the answers for internally.  Circumstance is just that and circumstance cannot hinder your personal power only you can do that by thinking you are powerless to change a situation.

All situations can be challenged and possibly changed and feeling stuck is only a state of mind, one caused by your own resistance of thinking you are powerless.

Bottom line is you need to be the change you wish to see!



Posted by on September 7, 2016 in Blog


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Cause and Effect

When Change is Your Only Option

[ I haven’t posted any writings in the last few months as I am working on another book but recently I’ve had the thoughts below marinating in my mind and felt the need to share ]

what are you doing for others

Changes in life aren’t always planned or even known, sometimes they just occur all of a sudden and turn your world upside down, hopefully it’s a more positive experience rather than negative but what usually follows is a new ways of seeing, thinking, believing and living.

Transitioning into change isn’t always an easy road but it is naturally how the path progresses.  When you are moving from one phase of your life into the next the changes are not just what is around you, but also what is within.  Changing old habits and/or outdated ways of thinking usually manifests after you’ve either been resisting or struggling to move forward, sometimes without even realizing it.

All life evolves, that we all know and how you personally evolve depends on your choices which of course is of your free will to make but transition can be made easier if you choose to embrace it instead of resisting it (believe me, I’m not saying I’ve always done this, quite the opposite at times, but when you know better, you do better).  I’ve learned to recognize that when I am resisting transition (which I haven’t always been able to identify in the past) that I feel scattered, frustrated, blocked like I’m banging my head against a wall without fully understanding why only to later come to the realization, that “aha” moment, when things start to smooth out and make sense.  Clarity and awareness can be a beautiful thing.

Awareness in yourself is a learned experience, recognizing and reading the signs and symptoms in your own personality is an opportunity worth taking advantage of and sometimes necessary.  Rising to your own challenges will advance every aspect of your character and life but only if you are open to it.  You have to be open to it or it won’t work.

I choose to embrace the positive aspects in all areas of life, I do not like to shed light on negativity for too long because I’m very wary of feeding the wrong energy, but unfortunately sometimes (dare I say, too often) the negative happens and it needs to be looked at in order to raise awareness.

Awareness in others is also a learned experience, recognizing and listening to your inner voice.

When something doesn’t feel right, it isn’t!

Every time I have ignored my gut instinct it always comes back to bite me and that moment of realization, knowing I knew then what I’m learning now feels worse for me because I know I purposely didn’t listen.

I’ve seen a few too many in the last little while of those I care about that are taken advantage of because of their kindness and trust.  Too often when your gut tells you something is wrong you silence it, not always because you think you know better but because within the frame of kindness is the benefit of the doubt.  The benefit of doubt is given out of trust and those who do not have good intentions will manipulate and thrive on that because they are not serving a higher purpose, they are serving only themselves.

  • How does one learn to differentiate between the good and bad?
  • How does one learn to trust their instincts after falling victim to such toxicity and ill will?
  • How does one learn to trust others again?
  • Does the benefit of the doubt ever come back to you?

I think these are the questions you end up asking yourself over and over and over again when an event changes your life abruptly.

I wish there was a quick fix, a way to go back, a way to erase the damage, unfortunately there is not.  The quotes always say you have two options, you rise again or you let it define you, but I don’t know if I agree with that.

I believe there is one option, you rise again, become stronger!

The past cannot be changed, there is absolutely no way you can go back and re-write the story, there is no benefit to re-living it over and over in your mind, you are only torturing yourself. 

There is a process though and the only way to get through a storm is to brave it and fight your way through.  In order to move forward you have to feel the range of emotions as they come and let the wound heal in the time it needs to do so.

The lesson learned, the awareness gained will be that you refuse to give up your personal power to anyone again.  It’s not about forgiving someone else, someone who may or may not be sorry, it’s about forgiving yourself for gracing someone with your kindness and trust when they weren’t worthy of it.

The only thing you can do is make peace with it so you don’t re-live it every day in your present or into your future.  As terrible as an experience is, was or feels, the effects of the experience changes you and how that change manifests within is up to you.

Be a warrior for you!

mirror, mirror


Posted by on June 11, 2016 in Blog


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Change the Way You Look at Things

The Things you Look at Change!

I know I’ve written about this very topic before but sometimes reminders are necessary, especially for me. When you get too involved in an emotion you end up creating the outcome of least desire whether you realize it or not. Law of attraction says what you think about most is what grows, so even if it’s something you don’t want when you give it more of your energy you end up keeping it alive and feeding it which helps it continue to grow and be a daily part of your life.

I do this at times and even though I realize I am feeding the wrong emotion and desired outcome sometimes it’s hard to turn it off. When you have an issue that weighs on your mind I think it’s natural to think about it more than needed and sometimes overthink it which brings about more of what you don’t want.

Do you ever end up over-analyzing, over-thinking, over-obsessing about all the wrong things only to realize in the end that your worry seemed to magnify your issues more than anything else? Does all that you were worrying about ever manifest the way you envision it? Most of the time it ends up being useless worrying that has caused the extra stress, usually everything works out ok and the thing that was stressing you out the most was you.if-you-change-the-way-you-look-at-things-wayne-dyer

It’s so important for me and you (if you get stuck like this) to change the way you are looking at things because I can guarantee you every time I’ve done that it’s actually changed the way things are. Not for any other reason than the fact that I’ve removed the energy I’m giving to what I don’t want and putting it in the direction of what is better for me.

Get out of your own way by changing the way you are looking at things so that your life can start to fall into the places it’s meant to be. When you do this you will be amazed at how things change, it allows the things that were of such bother to you to drop in importance reducing what you don’t want and increasing the more positive aspects of your life so they can flourish as they are supposed to.

I know this sounds like it’s not really possible, especially if you have some huge issues going on but really when you take away the energy and time you put into the things you don’t want they start to diminish, maybe not immediately but over time (and I don’t mean years). In addition to the outward effect when you remove your energy from what you don’t want, you start to feel lighter and happier because not only was your energy feeding that negativity but it was draining you as well.

Freeing up the space of positive possibilities attracts more of the options you desire because as you move into a better space of thought you become more aligned with the Universe and your personal power and that is the energy you want to feed and grow.

It is only when you are in alignment with all things positive that your life will start to gravitate in the direction you desire. Learning to be aware of your thoughts and feelings so you can identify when you step onto the path of negative thinking will be a strong ally on your road of life and one you shouldn’t do without.

Always remember YOU are in control on what you think and what you feel, you can change both whenever you want simply by shifting what you are giving energy to with your focus. You can change anything aspect of your life you want simply by deciding to and at any moment. The questions you have to ask yourself are;

  • Are you willing to walk away from the darkness that hides your negative moments?


  • Are you ready to step into the light that catapults you to your positive life?

If you’ve truthfully, deep down in your soul answered yes to both than you’ve taken the first simple step, the decision. That’s usually the hardest part to address because while everyone wants to be happy, not all are ready to accept it without skepticism or questions.

It’s a charmed life, be open, ready and grateful to live it?

more life to live

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Posted by on September 30, 2015 in Blog


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